Welcome to our busy world.

Welcome to our busy world.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Welcome Back to Term Four.

Term 4 is here already!  Where has this year gone!  It looks as if we are going to have just as busy and exciting a term as the last three, so hold onto your hats!

We started the term with our students of the week awards.  Kayden and Zara were given theirs at the end of last term.

Jaxon and Maddie were awarded theirs at assembly on the first day of term.

Aniston is our student of the week for this week.

Well-done to you all.

Katie's Birthday

It was Katie's birthday in week 1.

The children were very excited about giving her a small gift from us all.

'Sharing' and 'Groups Of'.

We started the term learning about sharing in Maths.  

We learnt the importance of sharing out our blocks evenly.

The children quickly became very skilled at activities such as sharing 12 lollies between 4 children, to discover that each child got 3 lollies each.

So we reversed it.  We put the Maths problem into a story such as,  'You have 6 friends, and they have 4 lollies each.  How many lollies do they have altogether?'

These activities are the early stages for learning division and multiplication.

The children all coped very well with all the activities.

We have once again been looking at the 100 square.  Looking for the patterns that we can find in them etc. 

The children used these patterns to help them to put together puzzles of the 100 square.  Ryan and Jasmine were amazing at how quickly they could complete all these puzzles.

Procedural Writing

For the first few weeks of this term we are learning about procedural writing where we write instructions telling someone how to do, or how to make something.

We have been learning how to do this by putting together sequence cards.

This set explains how to eat a pizza.

The children worked with a partner to put together many different sequenced instructions.

They have become very skilled with these activities.


I had the pleasure of individually assessing all the children's reading in the first week.  I was thrilled to note that all the children have continued to make very pleasing reading progress.  

Small Groups

Some groups played the 'hole in the card' game.  This game helps the children to focus on the sounds in the beginning, middle or end of a word.

Ask your child about this game.

Vowels in the middle of a word are really tricky.

'Missing Middle Sounds' focuses on the middle sounds.

Bossy Fairy E

The children have been continuing their work with the Bossy Fairy E, and how this changes the sounds that the vowels make

Again the children showed great skill and understanding in these activities.

Missing Blends

These children did a wonderful job stretching out the words to hear and record the missing blends in their words.

Mrs Salathiel was there to guide them in this new activity.

We have also been working on blend sound boxes, where the children put letters together to match the picture. 

Mr Krake was there to lend a helping hand.

And of course reading!  

As you see we have certainly started this final term with a bang!

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