The children were all very excited at the idea of our Sports Day, and they were not disappointed. Each and every one of us had a terrific day! I was incredibly proud of all the children in Prep C. Without exception they were amazing! Every child behaved beautifully, they tried their very best in every activity and they had the best of days.
The Red team was particularly wonderful at cheering each other on.
Here they are playing 10 pin bowling, and doing a pretty good job too!
A great throw Zara!
Look at how intently Cooper watches his team's throws.
Yellow Team are showing some great skills with the vortex.
Tane had a great throwing technique.
Green Team is showing their skills with the boot tossing activity.
Blue Team shows their skill with the vortex too.
Stepping through the tyres.
Going over the wibble-wobble board
Throwing hoops over the Team Leader was a huge success, if rather difficult.
Max, however, got his hoop there! Clever boy!
Jaxon made it too!
The obstacle race.
Look at Maddie go!
The children loved this activity, with the great challenges it offered to them all.
Target throw.
Great shot Ryan!
Great jumping Kaitlyn!
Well-done Mia.
Here comes Kayden.
Jasmine has springs in those little legs!
What a jump from Aniston!
Long Jump.
Shayla put her best effort into every activity.
Good jump Hayden!
There was no stopping Archer as he flew trough the air!
After lunch we had the relays.
The sack race caused much laughter.
The egg and spoon race required a lot of concentration.
Congratulations and a very big thank you to our amazing sports teacher Haley Currie who organised and ran the day. Her preparation of the children was also wonderful, ensuring that they got the very best out of the day.
Another very big thank you goes to the fantastic Year 4, 5 & 6 children who helped run the day by shepherding children, or running activities. They were very well organised, patient, kind and encouraging to all the contestants. Well-done to you all, you were awesome!
Finally thanks to all you parents who were able to pop in and support the day.
I do hope that these photos provide a window into the day for those of you who were unable to make it today.
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