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Welcome to our busy world.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Book Readings

I have been reflecting on the amazing progress the children have made as little authors over the year.  Some came to school writing their names, others could not write their names.  Some came recognizing a number of the letters of the alphabet, others recognized 2. 

Then in the last few weeks of the term each and every child wrote a book about their adventure as they battled the odds to save Christmas.

We read our books to our 5/6 friends so that we could practice being fluent readers.

The children became very excited at the prospect of saving Christmas, so much so that the casual observer could have been forgiven for thinking that it was all true!  

The children engaged their amazing imaginations to ensure that each and every story was totally unique. 

They sequenced their ideas logically to ensure that the reader easily understood the amazing sequence of events.

They though about their word choice, this meant that chose the best words to describe their scenes, and to clearly express their emotions in the story.

They experimented with the use of full stops throughout their work, not just at the end of the page.

They used their amazing spelling skills, and showed an impressive understanding of the complex letter patterns in our writing.

The results were outstanding.

Then we shared them with our friends and families who came on Tuesday morning.  I am sure that you must be as amazed as I am over what these little authors have managed to produce.

After so much excitement, of course we had to follow the whole experience with a party, because if one thing should truly be celebrated, it is the amazing progress of Prep C's outstanding reading and writing skills!

Thank you to all the Mums, Dads, Grandparents, brothers, neighbours and friends who came in to support our day.

Finally a very special thank you to Frances Salathiel and Ken Krake who have been our very dedicated volunteers throughout the year.

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