I do hope that you are enjoying, and have found a home for, all the treasured art work that came home this week. Our classroom is looking quite bare without it all. The children will have to work jolly hard again this term to fill up the room once more! They may have told you that we are learning all about the bugs in our back yard, and we already have a nice display starting on the back wall. Do pop in and have a look at it.
Congratulations to all of our Students of the week.
Ryan for being a clever Mathematician with number partners for 10.
Kaitlyn for writing some really amazing words in her writing all by herself.
Cooper for making a huge effort with his handwriting.
Kayden for
being a very clever mathematician.
Mia for using many tricky skills to work out difficult words in her
reading and writing.
Spelling Investigations
Spelling has been a big focus during the Literacy Block this year, with some very pleasing results in our Grade, which I'm sure many of you parents have noted.
As part of our spelling work we have started conducting 'Spelling Investigations'.
For our first investigation we looked at the letter 'y'.
The children used their readers to find as many words as they could with a 'y' in them.
The children wrote these words on post-it notes, and placed them on the easel.
Next we used our detective brains, ears and eyes to sort the words.
We discovered that 'y' can say the 'y' sound, as in 'yellow', when at the start of a word. It can make the 'i' sound as in 'my', the 'ee' sound as in 'happy', or sometimes nothing as in 'play'.
Next we investigated the 'ing' sound.
The children already know a lot about this sound, and how it can simply be added to many words, changing their meaning slightly such as 'go' to 'going'.
We also discovered that when there is an 'e' at the end of a word, the 'e' drops off when we add an 'ing'.
We also discovered that the last consonant doubles when it follows a short vowel, such as 'hop' changing into 'hopping'.
The children absolutely amaze me in their ability to find similarities in letter patterns, and then to create a statement that explains their findings.
Reading Nonfiction
Tying in with our study of mini beasts we have been doing our own non fiction reading and writing.
Green reading group read their book about frogs to the grade, and shared some of the text features from their book with the grade.
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