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Saturday, 20 June 2015

Literacy & Maths in Week 10

The Literacy Block

The children's reading progress continues to fly along at great speed thanks to their huge focused efforts, as well as the dedication of our volunteers Frances Salathiel, Ken Krake, Katie Knox and Rhonda Lloyd.

Mrs Salathiel is working here with a group on our new game called beginnings and endings.

The children look at the picture and the ending of the word, say the word to hear the beginning sound, then find and match the beginning sound to make the word.

All the children did an excellent job with our new activity.

Mr Krake supported the children as they worked with these slightly more difficult crosswords.  

The last set all had rhyming words, but these ones all have different endings, making them a little more challenging.

Katie guided her group with their sound boxes where the children stretch out the words to hear the sounds, so that they can make the words with the letter cards.

Here is my reading group.  I love to listen to them reading those trickier books that we work on in class.  They are now able to use an impressive number of different word solving skills to decode.  Better still their comprehending skills are becoming more and more sophisticated.

This week was 'Kk' week, and so we made these beautiful kites.  At the moment they add to our amazing displays in our room.  We will fly them one windy day next term.

The Maths Block

We have continued our work with the number partners for 10.

We used this 10's square to help us to 'see' the number partners for 10.

Next we recorded our findings using this clown and his balloons.

To consolidate our learning we played a number of games where we used our number partners for 10.

In this game each player had to put counters on the number partners for 10.

As all the numbers get covered by the counters, it bacame more difficult to find the number partners.

The player with the most counters win.

9 Card Memory

The children had to put out 9 cards.

Next they took turns to turn over 2 cards.

If the cards make 10, they keep the cards. 

If not a pair the children turn the cards over again, remembering where they are.

The children loved this game, and are getting quite skilled at quickly recalling the number partners for 10.


Next we played dominoes with a difference.

The children had to put 2 ends together which made 10.


The children collected their own data, (information), to make their own graphs.

They buzzed about the room excitedly asking each other about their after school activities.

When their graphs were finished they had to record which activity came 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.

Ask your child to share their work with you.

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