Student of the Week
Congratulations to Ethan for being our Student of the Week as a result of his wonderful enthusiasm in all his learning. Great job Ethan, keep it up!
Maths - The 100 Square
This week in Maths we have been looking for patterns in the 100 square.
We played number games using the 100 square.
We made two digit numbers using two dice.
We had to find the numbers on the 100 square.
We started to see patterns, such as the numbers in a row all started with the same number.
The last number in the column were the same.
Subitising is the ability to instantly recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them.
Developing this skill helps us to see what a number is made up of.
We can see that 6 can be made up of 5 dots and 1 dot, or 2 dots and 4 dots etc.
This gives us a deeper understanding of numbers.
It also helps to get us ready for learning how addition and subtractions works.
We played this new game to practice our subitising skills.
Ask your child how this game worked.
All Living Things Change
We have been studying "Healthy Me". We have been learning about the various benefits different foods have for our bodies.
We looked at how we changed as we grow, and we made connections to how all livings things change over time, like this tree changes with the seasons.
We also tied the different seasons into our measurement of time in our Maths studies.
The children are making their own choices about what to write about this week. I am so excited about their very impressive development as little writers, they are all just amazing! They are all looking at their work and thinking what they can add to make their stories 'better and more interesting.'
Jaxon wrote, 'I went to Melbourne. Ethan and I went to the fishing show. We loved it.'
Max wrote, 'When me and Jed went to Granny and Grandpa's I played. When we came home Jed was sick.'
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