Welcome to our busy world.

Welcome to our busy world.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Welcome Back to Term 2

Welcome back everyone to another very busy term.  I was so impressed at how much of our wonderful learning from last term was still firmly in place after our two week break. Consequently we were able to get right into it all straight away.

The Reading Workshop

Here are a few photos of some of the games and activities that we do in the reading block to build skill levels in reading and writing.  Ask your children how they play these games, and which ones they enjoy playing the most.

Fishing focuses on building the children's knowledge of the high frequency words.

Picture letter match builds the children's skills in hearing and recognizing the first sound in words.

Playing games such as 'I spy' at home is another wonderful way of helping your child to develop this skill.

As you see we are getting fairly good at this activity, with just a few errors.  (Whatever happened to eggs and Eskimo?  We may need some more work with the letter 'e'!)

Mrs Salathiel is doing 'Look, Say, Name, Cover, Write, Check,' with these children.  Many children have started to build a nice little bank of known words that they can now write on their own.

Mrs Lloyd is helping these children with 'Cut up Sentences'.

 In this activity the children build their ability to fully understand how individual how words come together to make sentences.

Velcro Wall

This game is designed to practice those high frequency words again.  It has certainly proved to be a very popular new game.  Ask your child how we play this game.

We also played 'Petals' where we listened for beginning sounds again.  

We also played memory as part of this game too.  Ask your child how we play this game.

The Writing Workshop

This term we are learning about fictional writing, where we make up ideas and events in our stories.

We started by making a postcard about a real event from the holidays.  We then made a second postcard, set it in the same setting, but added some exciting fictional events.

The children have done a wonderful job with this.

Ask your child to tell you about their post cards.

The Maths Block

In Maths we have been doing an activity where the children have to point to, and name, the mixed up numbers 1-9. 

This activity is a lot trickier than the children thought it was going to be.  

This is a great brain exercise as it helps the children to scan the card quickly, and coordinate their thinking.

We have also been working on our skills in recalling what numbers come after a given number.

We played a number of our floor games.  

To know how many jumps to take we used cards that asked for the number that came after a given number.


We have started on our quest of filling the classroom with all our work again.  Thinking of our letter of the week, 'L', we made Leo the Lion, who has made a very bright start to the creation of our colourful classroom.

Take note of the huge improvements in scissor skills and the careful following and sequencing of instructions.

Rainy Play Time

All that long awaited for rain on Friday had the children kept indoors during both play times.

They were kept busy with Duplo,

colouring in,

peg boards,

and this spelling game given to us by Mrs Nyman.

Just look at this vehicle that the boys have made with the Mobilo! 

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