Welcome to our busy world.

Welcome to our busy world.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

A Happy Easter To You All

Just a quick note to wish you all a very happy and restful Easter Holiday.  I do look forward to seeing you all again next term for a very busy and productive term.

The Prep Unit are planning a trip to Traffic School next term.  We are in the process of booking and pricing this excursion, and think that it will cost around $5 per child.

Enjoy your break.

Susan Krake

Cooking Gingerbread Men

In celebration of our last day of term we made some Gingerbread Men.

Mrs Salathiel helped Jasmine to weigh out the flour.

 Mia takes her turn as Cooper and Hayden wait for their's.

Max is checking carefully.

Gracie mixed the dry ingredients.

Kayden and Aniston weighed out the brown sugar.

Zara mixed in the butter.

Jasmine and Jaxon mixed in the eggs.

Jai's turn to mix.

Rolling out the dough was carefully done.

Cooper enjoyed cutting out.

We had two lots of gingerbread making operating at the same time.

This made sure that everyone quickly got to have a turn different stages of the process.

We used Helen's special Gingerbread Men cooking machine to do our baking.

We had a very successful time thanks to the great patience and co-operation of the children patiently waiting for their turns, and of course the expertise and support of Mrs Salathiel.

The Literacy Block in Week 9


We finished our Pattern Books this week.  The children were very proud of their success as writers here, and were very keen to share them all with you during our Parent/Teacher evenings.

Just look at some of these beautiful pictures.

The beautiful writing.

And believe me the pride they had in their independence as they wrote was clear to see.


Each day we read our Big Book together.  This is where we look at and discuss the many different reading  strategies that good readers use.

This week we also introduced Reading Partners.

While your partner was reading it was very important that you listened and followed carefully with your eyes, so that you could check your partner's reading, and help if needed.

All the children did a wonderful job!

We have been continuing our work with our skills in hearing the beginning sounds in words, as seen here with this game of "Letter Hop".

This game of "Spinners" also focuses on the beginning sounds.


We use our little whiteboards to practice writing our high frequency words

As you see many of us are building up a nice little number of words which we are now able to write all on our own.